Ok, thank you to those of you who jumped right in. I wasn’t sure if a lot of you had seen this yet on Patreon. This time I made an error on the link itself but quickly got it straightened out. If you had a problem leave a comment with the purchase info so I can straighten it out. Thank you all so much!!!!!

I found the pic using the back button
Awesome!! 🙂
I am trying to get my gold membership re-started…. bank has been way-to-hard on me when i use their cards…. I sent in a renewal account and had hoped to restart the account…. can you help with this….I don’t want to miss anything
I am seriously thinking about joining the patrons club
Hi David! You are already here! …and I am so grateful. :-))
i have been in ALL 50 STATES and 38 foreign countries and been on more public beaches and seen far more skin revealed skin than anything i have ever seen on this channel or any channel that Jen or exoman are producing and if your attitude does not change i will be your worst nightmare you have far more agreegiest videos on your platform. farmgirl and exoman are far more family oriented than many of the other posts
i’m silver member but i’ve problems in entering any post in this site. can you help me: i paid 20$ for nothing…
Every pic I see of you here and and every video i see, I absolutely LOVE. You just get better with age.
I want to restart my gold account…. how can we do this…. I am not able to do it…. the net says I don’t exist again
Oh no! I’m so sorry Bill! I think I may be able to do it from my end. Just send me a message at in**@ba***************.com and we’ll get it figured out hopefully. 🙂
It looks like you figured it out! So sorry I was late to the table. Hope you are having a fabulous Summer my sweet! 🙂