Youtube is quite oppressive!

It has been an uphill battle with youtube but this is just bizarre. When we put up harmless videos and thumbnails, they deem them sexual. They are literally looking at this picture and seeing “SEX and NUDITY”. It would be funny if it were not so scary.  This feels like a real threat to freedom of expression and free speech. This is literally a beach picture, I argued and I am wearing beach attire and not doing anything provocative. This is their response…

23 thoughts on “Youtube is quite oppressive!”

  1. You tube is unfairly targeting you. They post way more nudity than you show, and it is directly pointed to be nudity. Just type in “no bra” on the tube and watch what happens. It is ridiculous to block your posts and allow the real trash. I have thought they had singled you out for a long time now.

  2. You Tube Is A Disgrace, They Censor You But Allow Other Nudity Or Bikini Clad Women On There Channel, They Are Nothing But Far Left Jack-Ass’s, Keep Your Content On Your Site, F— You Tube!!!

  3. They are doing it to you because you are taking money away from them by going to your own site, patreon etc. and using youtube to drive that traffic. They are like the folks that run our government and too shortsighted to see they forced you to do those things by their previous actions.

  4. What sex and nudity!! you are a family friendly content i love you guy’s your awesome keep up the good work love ya!! hugs

  5. Only happening to you guys because of your support for Trump. We know how social media works to destroy conservative views. Shame on YouTube, they might as well be called CCPTube.

  6. I love your pics and website, wasn’t aware of this one until today. Best wishes on this new location and future. You sure make me want to meet more grandmothers like you, and that’s a SUPER sincere compliment. The personality with the look is what makes it, and a lot of grannies just are bitter and don’t have that. So congrats and love that you are unique among your peers, but without equal in most cases. Best of luck to you both! Loved the calendar and card.

  7. You know if you are a Trumpster or consevative why this and a lot of other things involving free speech are being affected. I hurt everyday and I hurt for you.

  8. I have had the same issues with You tube, Kijiji, and others….they hate all conservative viewpoints, and their legal protections must be revoked so they can be sued for their unconstitutional behavior. Keep up the great work…you will ultimately win if we all keep fighting for our rights!

  9. I have watched many of your You Tube vids and never found them offensive in any way. This is purely politicizing of your channel by YT. Once I realized you were a Trump supporter it was immediately clear what their problem is. You don’t need the hassle that YouTube will always give you so starting your own site is fantastic. Also, go to Bitchute and put your videos on there.
    I guess the biggest suggestion is GAB Social as it is a free speech platform Entirely owned by GAB. However, ask Andrew Torba before posting videos as it is a Christian site. As I am a Christian I don’t see a problem, the human body when trained is a beautiful piece of art and Jen is art but beautiful in her heart as well. She has inspired my wife to be disciplined and train hard to. I thank you for that. Good luck.

    1. Wow Gary, my favorite part of what you said is the 2nd to last line. That makes me so happy to be able to inspire people to be the best they can be! Thank you so much…that made my day!

  10. So disappointed to learn of your problems with YouTube.
    You are a truly lovely lady and your content is of the highest standard so I am at a loss to understand why you are having problems, there is so much more dubious content on YT.
    Thank you for sharing your beauty and keep safe.
    Love from Great Britain.

  11. Totally agree. I cannot understand the algorithm….full nudity allowed on some channels but others get shut down because of a thong or conversation……it is a dark art to not get blocked these days

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